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Dementia Auckland Charitable Trust

Bank Account Number: 12-3061-0389965-02

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Empathy in Action: Transforming
the Lives of Families Affected by Dementia

(Caring for people with dementia together – Chinese Dementia Project)

Imagine a world where memories fade, faces become strangers, and the once-familiar rhythm of life dissolves into confusion. For those facing dementia, this heart-wrenching reality is their daily struggle. Yet, the impact of dementia extends far beyond the individual – it touches families in profound and often overwhelming ways.

As the disease progresses, the person afflicted slips further away from recognition, leaving families grappling with an excruciating paradox: a loved one who is physically present but mentally distant. Simple tasks become insurmountable challenges, and the roles within families shift dramatically as caregivers step into new, demanding roles. This emotional rollercoaster is accompanied by financial strain, as the cost of care compounds over time.

This is where the Caring for People with Dementia Together (CPT) project emerges as a beacon of hope. A joint effort between Dementia Auckland, Age Concern Auckland, Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Counties Manukau, The University of Auckland and Vagus centre, the CPT project is a cross-community partnership with a mission to bring meaningful change to the lives of Chinese families impacted by dementia in Auckland.

Chinese individuals access dementia services less than other ethnic groups due to a complex interplay of factors – a lack of relevant resources, issues of accessibility, and the weight of cultural stigma. The urgency to rectify this situation is underscored by projections that the number of Asian individuals living with dementia will skyrocket from 4.8k in 2020 to a staggering 17.9k by 2040.

The CPT project isn't just about statistics; it's about transforming the lives of Chinese people living with dementia and their families. Our focus lies in three critical pillars:

1.   Awareness and Prevention: We aim to empower the Chinese community with knowledge about brain health and dementia risk reduction.

2.  Education: The Education Training Programme aims to support dementia friendly Chinese healthcare professionals to provide culturally appropriate dementia assessment and management for the Chinese community.

3.  Living Well Program: We aim to enhance their well-being and quality of life through running a range of programs including Cognitive Stimulation Therapy.

However, for these aspirations to become reality, we need your support. With no current funding from Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, the project relies on community collaboration and donations.

Dementia Auckland, Age Concern Auckland and Vagus Centre are steering the ship, but it's a voyage that requires every hand on deck. Your involvement can bridge the gap and make a lasting impact. Your generosity can help us create a future where understanding, empathy, and comprehensive care redefine the journey of those facing dementia.

To be part of this transformative journey, you can reach out to our project manager, Kong Chan, at Together, let's paint a brighter future for Chinese families touched by dementia.